We received the “Innovation and Quality” award
We received the “Innovation and Quality” award from the Hospitality Business Federation of Valencia.
In case you have just met us, our Nest Style Hotel is the first “boutique hotel” project of the Feet Up Group. Group that adds more than two decades dedicating itself to the hospitality industry in different cities of Spain.
As we care about the planet, our hotel has the Eco Friendly declaration for its commitment to recycling, waste management, plastic reduction, sustainable use of energy and other features that make it eco efficient.
The design is another of our proposals: a bold style of a certain canon is in terms of interior design, color, simplicity and combination of styles. Moderna, formal, but also industrial.
This note has also appeared in:
- https://www.hosteleriavalencia.es/
- https://www.esdiario.com/
- https://valenciaplaza.com/
- https://www.europapress.es
- https://www.europapress.es/
- https://www.elperiodic.com/
- https://www.indisa.es/
- https://valenciasecreta.com/
- https://actualitatvalenciana.com/
- https://www.periodistadigital.com/
- http://www.levantetv.es/